
职 称:











(1)   国家科技计划项目子项目,主持,2017.1-2020.12

(2)   973项目,参加,高温功能涂层制备科学与界面基础研究,2012.1-2016.8

(3)   国家自然科学基金委员会与中国民航局联合资助项目,主持,基于微观力学的复合材料低速冲击损伤演化及剩余疲劳寿命预测(U1433119),20151月-201712

(4)   国家自然科学基金委员会与中国民航局联合资助项目,主持,碳纤维增强高分子复合材料疲劳失效与微观演化机理(61079011),20111月-201312

(5)   国家自然科学基金,参与,三体磨损过程的离散元模型(51075318),20111月-201312

(6)   前沿新兴交叉学科类项目 (中央高校基本科研业务费项目),主持,基于失效机理的复合材料疲劳寿命宏微观优化设计理论,20109月-201210月,2010-2012

(7)   国际合作项目,主持,粘接复合材料修复的钢结构疲劳试验,2008-2009  

(8)   国际合作项目,主持,碳纤维增强复合材料层合板长期疲劳寿命加速试验,2009-2010

(9)   国际合作项目,主持,碳纤维增强复合材料层合板长期疲劳寿命加速试验可靠性,2010-2011

(10) 国际合作项目,主持,碳纤维增强复合材料层合板期疲劳寿命加速试验,2011-2012

(11) 企业项目,主持,核电压力容器压力边界焊接堆高凸台工艺优化数值模拟和应力测定,2015.8-2016.7

(12) 企业项目,主持,高温气冷堆压力容器热处理工艺优化及变形控制技术研究,2010-2011

(13) 企业项目,主持,压力容器接管焊接残余变形和残余应力分析研究,2010-2011

(14) 企业项目,主持,大直径筒体和封头热处理应力应变分析,2011.6-2012.3

Publications in Academic Journals:

1)   X. Lou, HN. Cai, P. Yu, F. Jiao, X. Han, Failure Analysis of Composite Laminate under Low-Velocity Impact Based on Micromechanics of Failure, Composite Structures.163 (2017) 238–247. SCI 刊源

2)   H. Dong, G. Yang, HN. Cai, H. Ding, CX. Li, CJ. Li, Propagation feature of cracks in plasma-sprayed YSZ coatings under gradient thermal cycling. Ceramics International, 2015. 41(3): p. 3481-3489. SCI 刊源

3)   Li, W.N., HN. Cai, and J. Zheng, Characterization of Strength of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Based on Micromechanics. Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2014. 22(2): p. 105-116. SCI 刊源

4)   Li, W.N., HN. Cai *, Li, C., WANG, K., Fang, L., Progressive failure of laminated composites with a hole under compressive loading based on micro-mechanics. Advanced Composite Materials, 2014. 23(5-6): p. 477-490. SCI 刊源

5)   Li, W.N., HN. Cai, and C. Li, Static compressive strength prediction of open-hole structure based on non-linear shear behavior and micro-mechanics. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2014. 18(4): p. 643-662. SCI 刊源

6)   HN Cai, M Nakada, and Y Miyano, Simplified Determination of Long-Term Viscoelastic Behavior of Amorphous Resin, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol.17, No.1, pp.137-14DOI 10.1007/s11043-012-9174-0. SCI 刊源

7)   M Nakada, Y Miyano and, HN Cai, Prediction of long-term viscoelastic behavior of amorphous resin based on the time-temperature superposition principle, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol.15,No. 3,  pp.309-316, 2011. SCI ISI: 000293911800006

8)   K Iwai, HN Cai, M Nakada, and Y Miyano, Prediction of Long-term Fatigue Strength of Quasi-isotropic CFRP Laminates With a Hole Under Compressive Loading, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol.17, No.4, pp.227-241, 2010. SCI ISI:000285817400008

9)   Y Miyano, and M Nakada, HN Cai, Accelerated testing methodology for long-term fatigue life prediction of polymer composites, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol.17, No.4, pp.313-319, 2010. SCI ISI:000285817400008

10) HN Cai , Y Miyano, and M Nakada,  Prediction of long term flexural fatigue strength of honeycomb sandwich composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.29,No.1,  pp.266-277, 2010. SCI ISI:000274445300011.

11) HN Cai,  Y Miyano, and M Nakada, Long-term open-hole compression strength of CFRP laminates based on strain invariant failure theory, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol.22,No.1,  pp.63-81, 2009. SCI ISI:000261947700005.

12) HN Cai, Y Miyano, and M Nakada, and SK Ha, Long-term fatigue strength prediction of CFRP structure based on micromechanics of failure, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.42,No.8,  pp.825-844 , 2008. SCI  ISI:000255749900005

13) HN Cai,  Y Miyano, and M Nakada,Master curves of residual creep and fatigue strengths for damaged CFRP composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.29, No.7, pp. 1009-1019, 2010  SCI  ISI: 000276405200007.  

14) Y Miyano, and M Nakada, HN Cai,  Formulation of long-term creep and fatigue strengths of polymer composites based on accelerated testing methodology, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.42, No.18, pp.1897-1919, 2008  SCI  ISI:000258534000005.

15) Wang Y., Cai H., Zhang Q. and Qu H., Fuzzy control of carbon dioxide short circuit transfer welding based on reducing dependence of operating skills, China Welding, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002, pp.46-50.

16) Cai, H., Zhang, G.., Wang, Y., Characteristics of reflected ultrasonic signal from the weld pool, Progress in Nature Science, Vol.11 Supplement, 2001, pp194-198.

17) Cai, H., Shao, T., Zhou, L., Yang Yongxing, Study of fatigue properties for welded heat affected zone (HAZ) of EH36MOD steel, China Welding, Vol. 5, No.1, 1996, pp.71-80.

Publications in Conference Proceedings:

1)   Xiaofei Lou, Hongneng Cai, Xuecheng Han, Fei Jiao, The Damage of Low-Velocity Impacted CFRP Laminates With Different Stacking Sequences Based On Micro-Mechanics Of Failure, The 21th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21), 21-25 Aug., 2017, Xi’an , China

2)   Hongneng Cai, Wangnan Li, Fatigue Strength Prediction of Bolted Joint Structures of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Based on the Micromechanics,The 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM20),      19-24 July, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

3)   Hongneng Cai, Fei Jiao, Pengfei Yu, Xiaofei Lou Progressive failure analysis of static compression of filled-hole structure based the on micro-mechanics of failure17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17)26-30th June 2016Munich, Germany

4)   ZhiYuan Wei, HongNeng Cai*, ChangJiu Li and GuanJun YangNumerical Analysis of Effect of TGO Creep on Cracking Behavior in the Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier CoatingThe International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation Visual-JW2016 ),2016.10.17-18Osaka, Japan

5)   Hongneng Cai, Wangnan Li, Chao Li, Static Compressive Strength Prediction of Open-Hole Structure Based on Non-linear Shear Behavior and Micro-Mechanic, The 8th International Conference on Mechanics of  Time-Dependent  Materials September 23-27, 2012, Kanazawa, Japan

6)   Hongneng Cai, Wangnan Li, Chao Li,Characterization of Strength of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Based on Micromechanics,The 2th International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites (COMPO2012) July 23-25, 2012, Harbin, China

7)   H. Cai, , M. Nakada, and Y.Miyano, Simplified Determination Method Of Long-Term Viscoelastic Behavior Of Amorphous Resin, 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, August 21 – 26, 2011, ICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea

8)   K. Fukushima, H. Cai, M. Nakada and Y. Miyano, DETERMINATION OF TIME-TEMPERATURE SHIFT FACTOR FOR LONG-TERM LIFE PREDICTION OF  POLYMER COMPOSITES, 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM17),27-31-July 2009 - Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK

9)   Mikiya Hiraoka, H. Cai, M. Nakada and Y. Miyano, LONG-TERM LIFE PREDICTION OF QUASI-ISOTROPIC CFRP LAMINATES WITH A HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE LOADING, 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM17),27-31-July 2009 - Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK

10) Katsuya Fukushima, Hongneng Cai, Masayuki Nakada and Yasushi Miyano, MODIFIED TIME-TEMPERATURE SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE FOR VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF AMORPHOUS RESIN, 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition  (JISSE-11), November 25 –27, 2009 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.

11) Mikiya Hiraoka,  Hongneng Cai, Masayuki Nakada and Yasushi Miyano, LONG-TERM LIFE PREDICTION OF QUASI-ISOTROPIC CFRP LAMINATES WITH A HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE LOAD, 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition  (JISSE-11), November 25 –27, 2009 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.

12) Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Cai, H., Formulation of time and temperature dependent strength of CFRP laminates for marine use, 13th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials (US-Japan 2008), ONR Session, June 6-7 , 2008, Surugadai Campus, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.

13) Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Cai, H., Accelerated testing methodology for long-term fatigue life prediction of polymer composites, 8th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems (DURACOSYS 2008), Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, July 16-18, 2008.

14) Iwai, K., Cai, H., Nakada, M. and Miyano, Y., Prediction of long-term fatigue strength of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates with a hole under compressive loading, 8th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems (DURACOSYS 2008), Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, July 16-18, 2008.

15) Miyano, Y., Nakada, M., Cai, H., Master curves of residual creep and fatigue strengths for damaged CFRP composites, SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (SEM XI), Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida USA, June 2 - 5, 2008.

16) Cai, H., Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Maeda, T., Prediction of long-term fatigue strength of  quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates with a hole under compressive loading, 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (MTDM 2008), Monterey, CA, March 30 - April 4, 2008.

17) Maeda, T., Cai, H., Nakada, M., Miyano, Y., Prediction of long-term fatigue strength of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates with a hole under compressive loading, 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-10), Nov. 27 - 30, 2007 ,Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.

18) Cai, H., Maeda, T., Nakada, M., Miyano, Y., Prediction of fatigue strength of CFRP structure based on micromechanics, Proceeding of the 32nd Symposium on Composite Materials,The Japan Society of Composite Materials (JSCM2007), Oct. 17-18, 2007, Nagasaki, Japan. (Japan domestic).

19) Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Cai, H., Characterization of time-temperature dependent static and fatigue behavior of unidirectional CFRP, The 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16), July 8-13, 2007. Kyoto, Japan.

20) Lu, Y., Cai, H., Wang, Y., Fatigue experiment of cracked steel structures bonded with composite patches, International Conference on Welding Science and Engineering (WSE’5), Oct 21-23, 2005, Xi’an, China

21) Cai, H., Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Marutani, T., Applicability of strain invariant failure theory to predict long-term strength of composite structure, 5th International Conference on Mechanics  of  Time  Dependent  Materials (MTDM 2005), Oct. 2-6, 2005, Karuizawa, Japan.

22) Cai, H., Miyano, Y., Nakada, M. and Marutani, T., Long-term open hole compression strength of CFRP laminates based on strain invariant failure theory, The 15th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-15), June 27-July 1, 2005, Durban, South Africa.

23) Cai, H., Murase, T., Nakada, M. and Miyano, Y., Time-temperature dependent strength of CFRP laminate based on strain invariant failure theory, 6th China-Japan_Us Joint Conference on Composites (CJAJCC-6), June 21, 2004, Chongqing, China.

24) Cai, H., Murase, T., Nakada, M. and Miyano, Y., Time-temperature dependent strength of CFRP laminate based on strain invariant failure theory, JCOM:JSMS Composites 33, March 17-19, 2004, pp.80-84. Kyoto,Japan (Japan domestic).

25) Cai, H., Mizotani, T., Nakada, M., Miyano, Y., Time-temperature dependent flexural behavior of honeycomb sandwich composites, International Conference of Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2003 (ATEM'3),  JSME-MMD, Sep.10-12, 2003, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya.

26) Cai, H., Mizotani, T., Nakada, M., Miyano, Y., Time-temperature dependent flexural fatigue behavior of honeycomb sandwich composites, 14th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-14), July 14-18, 2003, Hyatt, San Diego, USA.

27) Cai, H., Mizotani, T., Nakada, M. and Miyano, Y., Time-temperature dependent compressive behavior of GFRP/honeycomb-cored sandwich panel, Proceeding of the 28th Symposium on Composite Materials,The Japan Society of Composite Materials (JSCM2003), May 26-27, 2003, Tokyo, Japan.